Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Me, Myself and I

As our is our attitude.
One rule that seems universally applicable is that there will always be some events over which we do not have a personal hold; but our attitude towards them is our own creating and, therefore, the right attitude lies in our own hands.
I feel its not so much the event itself, but the fact that I have no control over what has happened. I was told that i should take it as a fact of life. My attitude should be of acceptance of the fact that it has happened and I should try to find the remedy instead of feeling upset or shaken and losing the courage to face the challenge.

I think its far easier and more positive to avail myself of a chance to change
Than try to change my chances.

Let me sum it up nicely........When we're loved and cared for as an individual, we feel good. When that is taken away, there's pain and hurt. We need evidence of caring not so much for what we do but for who we are. We need to know that others care for us and value us; that we are appreciated for what we are.

I think learning about one-self is absolutely crucial. To unravel the mystery of the self and to be able to see all different facets of one's personality is a journey worth travelling.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Just for Tonite

I'll hold you, lay you, kiss you
Taste you all the way down
You dont have to be lonely
You need to only call me
I will be there
When your body gets weak
And you need some affection
I will lay you down
When your body is in need
And you need some attention
I will lay you down
When I'm with you
I will lay down beside you
Then stay all night long
I just want to please you
There'll be no intermission
I have only one mission
that's turning you on
Last night
You were so into it
You told me secrets that you never told a soul
I was so nervous and yet oh so comfortable
As we explore the image of love
I drank your wine as you drank mine
I kissed your lips and I felt your mindless slip into my soul
I almost cried coz it was so beautiful
Last night, you were inside of me
Last night, while making love to you
I saw the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river
I saw heaven when you make sweet love to me

Monday, May 21, 2007

Forgive & Forget

Many say that they can forgive but they cannot forget. Sometimes, I assume what they are really saying is that they cannot forgive. Forgiveness should be like a note that we tear to pieces, toss into a rubbish bin and completely forget about. Not something even I could do at a drop of a hat but it does clear the conscience faster.

Situations should be considered like guests; they come and go.
Living in the past wipes out our chances of enjoying the present and gives no hope for the future.

Looking back I thot hard of myself.......Are there still feelings of disgust or hatred for one who has caused me pain? Do I benefit from such negative feelings ? Forgiving and forgetting are in my best interest. It removes the pain and burden in my heart and, thereby; frees others of their difficulties too.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Today is the day I know I'm totally over pretending.
Its time to say goodbye for good.
I've known its over for some time but some shreds of my sanity is still hanging and hoping.

Like water dropping on to a hard piece of stone, sooner or later even the stone will be carved out. Little did I know, the stone is made out of 6 layers of concrete cement with no way of chipping it.

I've been living in denial..................I'm shaping up and shipping out :((

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Weekly Updates....

Watched MU/Chelsea last nite - what a lukewarm match! Draw........that was that. Scratched, farted, ate, watched more TV, etc......

Couple of compliments from strangers, couple of mishaps at work and couple of late nights doing laundry......thats basically it for this week. I do hope the weekend will shed more highlights :))

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Missing you.....

We utter the word many times in different forms, for different people that touched our lives, for specific reasons when we feel vulnerable for that particular person we long for.....but honestly do we really know how it feels at that moment when we say it?

For me, I must say the only time I feel I'm missing someone is when I know he's there but I cant see, touch, smell, talk and feel him. So near yet so far......Am I alone here?