Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Trip to Penang - Part III

Isnt's she cute? Sepanjang masa di Penang asyik membuta!! Ni lah intan payung my parents that will finally fly away from home to work up north. All of us have mixed feelings about it but I thought this is a good time as any for her to really grow up. I love you Jules. Jgn mare......

We checked out the house that was rented
for her by the Company and it looked OK. I thing all of uf got more excited about it than she did! Hehehheeh.........berangan pulak nak tinggal situ. My only concern is the kilang papan sebelah rumah tu which is infested with Banglas and Nepalis. I sure hope she's OK later.
The last pic showed her office locations which left a dry taste in our mouths because its so far off from the main road and looks exactly like what it stands for. Construction...........with all the happenings of stale bread. Ummph!!! Good luck lah Jules.
What can I say worry for her will never stop wherever she is in the world, I think. Its time to let go...................


zuL said...

Bestnya bawal tu... i makan tilapia by the Nile, macam makan tanaH. rasa tanah. But that's what tilapia tastes like anyway.

Apa ni, nak tiru blog i ke, penuh dengan makanan. Hahahha. tak pe, jom makan! jalan2 cari makan dan cari calon husband kan? hehe.

Alamak Jules dah nak ke Penang ke, say Good Luck to her for me please. Anyways, she will do great laH. Nanti boleh la pi penang makan char kuey tiow by Padang Kota, eh geli pulak ingat. Cina tu punya kuku itam. Erghhhh... tapi sedap la pulak kuey tiow dia.

U stopped kat Tg Malim gak ke. Penuh memories tu. Hahahhaa. U shud check out tasik kat proton city tu - nice. beli rumah situ sbb dekat utan, sejuk aje dan bangun pagi rasa malas aje... hehehehehe...

Uh nak masukkan lagu tu ke. What you do, you take the code with EMBED instruction on the Youtube (where the file is) and paste it inside your entry. Okeh? I will send you the code over the email sbb comment ni doesnt take the code.

So in the end, U akan dpt la video tu on your site... hahahaha...

my0place said...


Memang sah2 I tiru.....Kalau tak tiru blog u nak tiru sapa lagi kan.Kah!Kah!Kah!

BTW, sbb makanan Penang penuh tandatanya (mcm kuku cina kuey tiow) tu lah sedap nya lain mcm gak!

Dah dpt code lagu tu.....tapi ntah mcm mana ntah .........