Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quiet Mind

I'm reading this wonderful book by David Kundtz - a one minute retreats from a busy world. The first part captured my thoughts and he says,

"Do nothing, but do it with purpose and meaning. Do it to become fully awake, to remember who you are and what's really important."
How apt.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I just realized that I'm happy. So was I un-happy minutes ago? I cant really answer that. Honestly, I wasnt thinking about it until I asked that question to myself. So I should just accept that - for now I'm happy and however fleeting the moment is going to last, I will enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Last weekend had me idling away my time at the beach again. This time I went wt Jules and her friends, tagging along but surprisingly had a lovely time. Round trip to balik pulau and back within the day. Everytime i'm there I will always have a good time despite the heat, the traffic or even the nagging pests around. That's about as fun as I get nowadays.

Friday, March 06, 2009


I woke up from a deep slumber this morning and a fleeting thought of my-EX came rushing by. I didnt know why I lingered in bed wanting to capture the dream.

Somehow the good thoughts was utmost glaring to me. How easy it was to be myself around you. Talking to you fills me with joy and I couldnt wait to go home to you. I can act crazy with no care in the world yet knowing I will never be judged. The thousands of questions I had was always answered and explained to me as if I were a 5-year old and time and time again it was always given with a tilting smile as if you knew I had that particular silly ones just to amuse you.

It was like a happy playground wasn't it? As least it was to me. The calls were lengthy, the hugs were tight, the kisses were heavenly. I can still remember your smell, how your touch felt and how I melted each and every time. There were no awkwardness, there were no regrets, there was only acceptance. do time flies. Time to wake up!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Rude Awakening

When I started writing couple of years ago, it was meant as an outlet of all the repressed thoughts and actions in my daily life.

Somehow, over the years I skewed towards whats ethically and morally acceptable. More times than not, when I write it will be more of what is expected of me and as a form of entertaining others. I didnt realize when exactly that happened but obviously it changed along the way. So far only 2 opinion mattered. I have to admit, I did beautify incidences and omit most of the details partly to camouflage the verbatim and partly to protect others' feelings. I am guilty of tainting my own blog.

Coming back to mainstream and what I love doing.....I will write what I feel are close to heart.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I should try to keep in mind that chaos is often something we attract rather than run into by chance

Monday, March 02, 2009

Another Full Weekend

Dear Blog,

Last weekend my weekend was full - spent it with my family. Jules came back, we cooked, I baked muffins and cakes and neighbours came visiting. Mum & Dad were OK and even my elder sis was having one of her 'good moods'. All in all, I felt satisfied. No incidences at all, everything seemed perfect for the time being.

Sunday, I went out with Jules to town and we spent the whole morning just walking about. Evening was another matter altogether. Quiet quality time with a loved one. Ahhh.......shouldn't all weekend be like this? Blissful heaven!