Thursday, November 29, 2007

Wine Tasting

I have always been a fan of wine; particularlay Port.

Last night I had a chance to saviour my favourite pastime......sipping wine in a relaxing ambience. The liquid has got to always be Red, full bodied and at room temperature for me. Its just something sinful about it and the taste just goes down the throat the right way. However, last night the host wanted to try white. So we had the 2003 Margaret River Chardonnay.

I never get drunk but something about this white liquid that gives such a rush and a kick....Phew!! It was chilled, semi sweet and superbly rich. Not that I know much about wine in the first place but I never knew white could have such a thrilling after taste!
As much as colour brings out the fun in a person and taste in food, never underestimate
(and I'm not just talking about wine).
I must say, I have been guilty of that a lot lately and I've got re-evaluate the person I've become.

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