Friday, August 22, 2008

One of Those Days.

"Harroo" "Harroo" Any want speaking d engrish?"
"Yes.......good morning Sir, *&#$ Berhad..........How may I help you?"
"Yes ahhhh....u speaking d engrish?"

Ya Allah...........another one of those god forsaken foreign callers that hardly speaks the right language and asking me if I speak English. Pagi2 dah naik darah. Lepas tu refuse le pulak nak cakap apa yang dia nak. Selagi aku tak jawab aku tau cakap bahasa yang dia nak, selagi tu dia tanya soalan yang sama! Bukan le aku pekak kan. Tapi bila aku jawab in perfect english, dia yang tak faham.

Yang peliknya kenapa lah operator kat *&#$ Berhad ni pun asyik pass semua segala callers yang complicated ni to my line. Agaknya dia ingat aku ni staff-cum-operator terhormat kat sini kot. Hampeh betul lah.

Itu tak pe lah lagi. The next call lagi dahsyat........

"Yes.......u are somebadi? Sambadi spreak please? Who arrr you? You are from *&#$ Berhad, yes."

Oh God........dia yang panggil. Dia yang tanya. Dia yang jawab............boleh?? Rasa nak pitam sekejap. I've never had a person who asks me a question, then question his one query and in the same breath, answer his question.

What did I do to cause me this much headache and its only 9am!!

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