Wednesday, August 27, 2008

...not sure what to title this...........

The funny thing about expectations is that it creeps up on you when u least expect it. Again........expectations. Why do we do this to ourselves? Maybe its because we think we are holy-er than thou?

Without realizing it, we tend to be annoyed or irritated when someone doesn't conform to our way or think the way we do or give back as much as we're giving? What made us even think that our way is the right way? God forbid if anyone should say this to our face. We'd probably be screaming our heads off. Obviously, we will never admit this narcissism of ourselves.

Its harder to chew the hard-truth and as mere-mortals we tend to portray the 'correct and acceptable ways' when deep down we could or may not be that. But that's life. People, friends, experiences molds us to what we are today. We go through it unintentionally picking up on things we may not even be aware of.
I'm not sure how to end this...............hurts to think too much on it.

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