Friday, February 17, 2012

A slap in the Face

Saying you're busy is no longer a good excuse. Overexhaustive usage will end up just like what i went through just now. Sitting and eating alone. That seems llike a good tagline for the story of my life, sigh......take heed or it will consume. For a moment when you do have the time and wants human companion for a change, you turn around and poof........... everyone's gone :(

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Suckers :)

Time and again we as humans demands attention from our partners/friends/colleagues/etc. (yes even at this age). But mostly its done subtly with little hints here and there. How we go about getting it is very subjective. Mostly we are conscious of it because we do plan how the whole ending will pan-out. Obviously to our advantage but sometimes we reach for the stars and hope for the best.

The drama starts when things go wrong or didnt even start rolling at all! What do we do then? Succumb to tantrics, sulk and even put up the 'silent treatment' Beware............... this is sometimes a sure bet to get the so-needed attention right?

Wrong (well at least in my opinion). Its kinda sad when u have all that you want but have to beg for the things that you need. Talk, tell, yell..........communicate. Thats the only thing that works because you may end up sitting in frustrations and waiting for something that will never come because the other party couldnt read minds nor would they have the time to pamper your nonsence.

So guys - if you need something done right, holler...............signing off, zita :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

A very solemn week indeed

I was minding my own business when a call came in and trigerred what was supposed to be another normal week into a melancholy one. Who will i be spending Valentine's with? In truth, no one. Why was i reminded? Probably the same reason why i wouldnt be celebrating it. I have nothing against it and feel that its a wonderful thing to do with your partner. And nothing wrong with showing your appreciation a little bit more than the normal everyday stuff that we get caught up in. Its a good reminder of we should stop-show-receive-celebrate. Happy Val's guys, signing off, zita.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Why do We Nag Too Much?

The number one reason why women nag too much is hypothetically also the reason why women has a lower risk in numbers for heart attack. Of course, this is presumptious to some ;).......but then again if there is a let-out from our dysfunctional system, why not right? Coming from the mouth of a babe, some beg to differ i'm sure. Whats the worse that can happen? Men turning deaf ears? That happens anyway, LOL. Having said that - women should always remember there are consequences and repurcussions to anything we decide to do. To each their own choice,

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Brand New Year, Same 'Ol Stuff

I'm restless and feeling lonely. I'm at the top of my game and still felt loss. I'm still unsure of how to pin to any particular reason. One things for sure, i cant stand being alone without my routine and still need to learn how to be comfortable being by myself. How? I've been toying with fresh new start but just scared stiff of knowing the unknown. I hate it and am still unsure of how to move forward. I would like the routine that i've known but snatched away from me in a blink. May be it wasnt meant for me???? Sigh.......