Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Suckers :)

Time and again we as humans demands attention from our partners/friends/colleagues/etc. (yes even at this age). But mostly its done subtly with little hints here and there. How we go about getting it is very subjective. Mostly we are conscious of it because we do plan how the whole ending will pan-out. Obviously to our advantage but sometimes we reach for the stars and hope for the best.

The drama starts when things go wrong or didnt even start rolling at all! What do we do then? Succumb to tantrics, sulk and even put up the 'silent treatment' Beware............... this is sometimes a sure bet to get the so-needed attention right?

Wrong (well at least in my opinion). Its kinda sad when u have all that you want but have to beg for the things that you need. Talk, tell, yell..........communicate. Thats the only thing that works because you may end up sitting in frustrations and waiting for something that will never come because the other party couldnt read minds nor would they have the time to pamper your nonsence.

So guys - if you need something done right, holler...............signing off, zita :)

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