Friday, February 16, 2007

Being a Sore Loser :(

Try to love what you have, don't try to have what you love.

My mom once gave me that advice at the age of 9 or 10 when I lost my beloved bike to some bullies while playing at the playground. I distinctively remembered fighting before I was forced to give in to defeat. More than 20 years had passed and it translated into my behaviour of still fighting and failing because I let my guard down. When will I ever learn................

What happens when you've loved and you've had but its yanked away? The bullies win again........ :(

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Voodoo

This week seems buzzing with unsurpassed and unexpected phone calls. Left and right invitations came to celebrate LOVE. Ahhh.....the wonderful tingling and exciting feeling you get when looking forward to a good time with good company.
Since this year's celebrations falls on a weekday it slightly dampens the long activity that follows the Celebrations but nonetheless the fairer sex would still forge ahead and plan the least of all candlelight dinners and some mushy stuff that the masculine sex would not have agreed to unless and if they can score at the end of the night -:))
Oh heck.........the best is just to go with the flow. I love watching those in love express themselves in public in the funny ways that they do. Gives faith that love conquers all in their own unique way.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY...................

Am I Asking Too Much?

Sometimes life can be a burden trying to stay one step ahead,
After all the broken storms that were thrown for no good reason,
Though my heart bears the scars with no sign of healing,
Trying to push the past away, I'm still waiting for the light to change,
Learning to barely feel the pain, the thicker the skin the less the strain.

All I asked for was when I call out is give me love and affection. Keep telling me and show me the way. If u see me falling down, lift me up from the shadows and bring me to a better place. In my darkest hour be by my side as life's getting me down sometimes feeling close to defeat.
I feel the world upon my shoulder each time, standing on the edge each time. My hopes deserted me. Its hurting my pride trying to survive knowing I had no chance.

I gotta keep moving on but I cant do it on my own. Behind my tired eyes, regaining strength each day, someday soon I'll be alright.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Who is the Boss of U ?

RULE NO 1 - The Boss is Always Right
RULE NO 2 - Look at Rule No 1 -:))

I've worked for the last 11+ years. Right after school actually. I love working. Had 2 marvellous boss. The first I worked for 7 years is a calm, jovial and charming mid-40s guy who always has a quick smile for me. The current one now barks all morning and expect everything on his table yesterday.........but never bites. LOL. Two different characters (like day and night) but with the same end result. Just get it done! No doubt its basically routine stuff tho the volume is high but It triggered me that I'm quite adaptable to both and a fast learner.
I am at times confrontational even when Rule No 1 Applies but I suppose whoever came up with the saying above must've gone through what millions of others went through and slowly may adapt Rule No 2 when they become complacent. No one should settle for less but in this day and age with all the merits of Change Transformation in the Working Environment that is implemented to move forward, do we really agree to both Rules?
I think it depends on what kind of situation of life you're in that will ultimately makes or breaks u.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Fabulous February !

This month greeted me with much enthusiasm. Spent 1st Feb. White Water Rafting.

To those who know me, this is a major joke actually. I DONT SWIM. Duh.......having said that, I put on a brave front and went anyway. To make a looooooong story short.....after some major knocks when the raft overturned, couple of bruises & scrapes, shouting (the monkeys there are proud of this skill of mine -:)) and screaming.........I survived.

Oh my GOD, what an exhilaration. I've always had a major phobia of the water (scared silly actually) but now I think it has tenfold!!! The knock probably made my head clear now. Hahahahha..........I scored more respect from friends that I went with and the proudest moment I had was when everyone hooted for me because I was knocked into the rushing river at the final overturn, rapid 5 and not a sooner later.

Have u ever get bummed out while waiting for flights? That is the only thing that I cant stand when travelling. 2nd of Feb, I was uncomfortably waiting with my boarding pass to Bangkok. Reached there in the afternoon and spent another sickening long time stuck in traffic. Urghhhh.......

Aaaaah.........but the nice thing about being around the Thais......they are so accommodative, so respectful, so nice.......and with lots of exciting things to do in Bangkok.......what am I complaining, huh -:))