Thursday, March 29, 2007


Patience is not so much about waiting as it is about how one behaves while waiting. I should take my own 'medicine' after reciting the above -:))

There I was at Malaysia's biggest travel fair and exhibition. This fair normally offers unbelievable deals that you just have to check them out even if you cant afford to travel yet. There were probably thousands of them at the World Travel Center that day. 30minutes after being pushed and bumped for the 30th time.......I finally got the map of all the exhibition booths and was able to make sense of where local and international exhibitions are located. Phew!!!

3 hours later and almost getting mad, I located a particular section of the best bargain section. There were probably 5 people waiting in line. 4 of them are young couples, talking and laughing while reading the tons of brochures that were probably picked up along the way but one particular person is a character by itself. Its an older version of Queen Latifah (dressed and talked like an over-the-hill wrestler woman) and she was pushing herself to the front of our line and not the slightest bit embarrased that she was making a scene. Parking herself exactly in between me and one couple she again pushed her luck and tried to bump us to the side; all these while asking questions loud enough for the attendant to be aware of her annoying questions about a trip. I can almost sense whats coming next........ she would bump me and the other couple to reach her final destination.

You have to understand, its been almost 4 hours that I'm there. My feet's aching, my heels are almost surely bursting, I'm thirsty and hungry and pretty sure my patience is sorely tested by now.

Still........I gave the benefit of the doubt and stepped aside. [thinking that maybe this older lady deserves to go first, maybe she's double parked and needed her medication soon or maybe, just maybe this is her last dying travel -:)) ]

Patience is a true virtue especially when you're tested to the limit. I decided to remain in control, kept my cool and be calm. In the process I learned to let go; not just with regards to the situation but more so to just let her be. I maintained my compassion and care.

I felt good about myself........

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Bumped into a long-lost friend at lunch time and was asked this question - "What other mischief have u been up to lately?"

If I count the wild party I had last Friday, the endless flirting and pumped up exercise from all the dancing.......not to mention the Futsal......Hehehehe...........I was a good girl, right? But just for the fun of it, I answered......."Why drink and drive, When u can smoke and fly?" That got a big huge grin on his face!!! Not a person to be outwitted, he went on......"Why fart and waste, When u can burp and taste".

That was fun........and I realized the friends who dont know me well will never be sure of what I'm capable of. But its good to know that I'm still the spitfire girl they remembered and could always count on. All in all, I think I'm not bad, not bad at all even at 34 -:))

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Time Out.....Have a Break

Last night, I was high. (High on Juice) Had 4 tall glasses of mango juice and was pumped up - what a joke, eh? Went out with couple of colleagues. Yak, yak, yak for few hours, got into a rut of just reminiscing what had happened for the day. Chill out time is necessary for everyone. If our lives had gone monotonous and however much I repeat it all the time on how I like routines, I think I'm up for a change. Live for today.......Yahoo!!!!!


Its almost end of Tuesday but I have to tell you about my weekend. Years and years of watching the EPL, Bundesliga, SerieA, etc. of professional football and I finally played FUTSAL. Damn!!! Wrong move........Even after three days I can still feel the ache when I'm walking, eating, sitting, lying (or attempt to) even shitting!! Phew........

The day started well enough. Bright sunny skies (not that it matters coz its an indoor court), everyone in a cheery mood, full of enthusiasm, laughter and good 'ol teasing going around. Looks like we're on the way to a good game. The court was originally booked for 2 hours but since none of us wanted to push our beginner's luck we cut it back to 60min. only. Boy oh Boy......even that timing was shot!! We played for 10minutes and rested for 10minutes and this went on for the next hour. After couple of hard hit free fall (with grace, mind u!) we were ready to throw in the towel after the second break!! What a bunch of losers we were................ -:))

In good faith, we played fair (all 30min of it). Screamed our hearts out, laughed full belly, teased and cajoled each other on the court and it was the best time ever that I've had with my friends.

P/s LEO, u should've been here.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I love to meditate. Nothing clears away a stressful day than a good meditation. The graceful flow and deep breathing would cure almost anything. The techniques, the posture, the act of stopping all flow of thoughts to clamour your living brains seems pretty harmless. Furthermore, the soothing music that accompanies these sessions is good for the soul.

Out the blue, a friend invited me to go to the gym. Instead of sweating myself on the common treadmills that are full with over-popping testesterone, I joined a yoga class. Little did I know by the end of the class, it would make all my joints become jelly! [BTW, if you're on the heavy side and have skeletons bigger than your closet, be mindful of getting over excited of yoga]

  • Obvious start is the and and out, inhale/exhale.....inhale/exhale. (I thought to myself....this is not bad). Trying to understand what the foreign instructor was trying to explain with tons of 'yoga jargon' has started me crunching my face (not a good practice of yoga, I was told).
  • 15minutes into the session we got to the 'bending' position. So there I was trying to hold my tummy in, extending my hands forward and slooooowwwlllly bending, bending and more bending!! Dear God.......i didnt know I had that much space to bend forward to get the perfect posture. Then.........the unimaginable thing happen. "Proooottt".......i think somebody in front of me farted -:)) [imagine you in the class and trying to keep a straight face now].
  • Half an hour later, we were told to sit on the mat and did all kinds of stretching, twisting and funny movements that I can only dream of!!!! How much bendy can a person be?!! As the minutes ticked by with me huffing and puffing trying hard to be a passable student, it finally ticked to an end.
  • Obvious to any exercise the cooling session is what everyone look forward to (at least for me). And apparently for yoga, the music plays an integral part. I'm still on the mat-my back flat, my feet in the air and of course going through the right ways of the last 10minutes, we were told to hold the 'relaxed pose' and to just close our eyes, breathe-breathe- breathe.......and relax-relax-relax.
  • Ahhhhhhh............with the air-cond full blast and soothing music that seems to lull, I literally faded away. Next thing I know the lights were off, the room was empty and the cleaner is waking me up and shooing me off so that he can close the gym.
Next to sex, I cant think of anything else thats so satisfying and relaxing at the same time -:))

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


David Beckham asked... "What do u see when u see the colour Red?"

I Looooveeee The Colour Red. To me Red embodies bold, assertiveness and courage.
In fact, I'm wearing Red today. From the flower in my hair to the tip of my chilly red shoes.
My energy is synchronized to Red. I feel brazen today.
(This could mean, I'll be up to something foolish and reckless..........Hehehhehehe)

There's just something sinful about Red too. The mind automatically thinks of lust, virility, passion and sensuality. On the other hand, it could also mean violent, bloody, resentment, enraged or hostility. But who in their right mind would succumb to it without being aggravated?

So lets think of Red roses full of vitality and sweet Merlot.

I'm raring to go.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Its been sometime since I last went out and did something childish and had fun! Nothing major though......out cycling -:)) I've forgotten how free I felt, the wind in my face, the fresh air, the smell of newly cut grass, the flow of thoughts as clear as a newborn day.

I used to go crazy with dancing, that was when the creaking knees and swaying hips werent complaining....... Hahahah! I still enjoy it but that activity has slowed over the years as the age keeps adding up. I remember the total abandonment I felt when I let myself loose in the few things that I enjoy doing without thinking. The rush feeling, flushing face when listening to the thumping of music and just swaying to the heartbeats with contentment of simple joys.

Next on the agenda :- Futsal, Shooting Range, Go-Kart, etc.

Friday, March 09, 2007


We often form relationships based on unreal expectations of another person. When that person shows some kind of weakness, we feel as though they have betrayed us by not being what we expect them to be. We hope to find someone with all the answers, someone we can rely on and take strength from, so we endow them with qualities they do not have. The worse is when we are disappointed with our own illusions when they let us down.


The more I think the more I feel that communication is the foundation of society and culture. For instance, our very world is shaped by words we express and images we create. An essential but all too often forgotten skill in communicating is that of listening. Definitely we all have something to say. Sometimes we forget that others also have feelings and things to share. Sometimes having the ability to emphatize goes a long way. If my feelings are in tune with another, then I believe the words that will flow and communicated will be powerful and enjoyable.

The art of concealing and revealing; at the right time, right place and to the right people is crucial. Messages need to be authentic and then we could feel that our presence is wanted and welcomed. It is necessary to match our feelings with our words BUT to think before we speak, would add weight to our words.

I realized that there are times when I need to be silent and tolerate others. One who is tolerant understands that listening is frequently more important than talking. Tolerance is building bridges, it doesnt bear grudges but understands that life is a continuous process of making mistakes and learning from them. Tolerance is a virtue and a fruit of wisdom. I firmly believe that all have the basic right to enjoy our own culture, tradition or religion. If we are self-righteous and think that our own culture and religion are the best and that the beliefs of others are unimportant, then we develop narrow-mindedness, intolerance, resulting in conflicts of various sorts.


  • Life is a mystery. Some say its a game, to some its a battlefield and to others a journey. Whatever one may call it, there's always a way to enjoy it. One of life's blessings is friendship. There's a saying that real friendship is never having to say sorry. When I was younger everything seems straight forward and that saying made sense. Its no longer a matter of taking advantage or having to apologize. Maintaining one is more than meets the eye.
  • Now that most of my friends have extended families of their own, delicate consideration and forward thinking is required for these relationships. Everybody change at one point or another. In reality nothing stays the same. Conversations will tilt about husbands, children, education, etc. Outings are limited and lacking refined sensitivity could become an issue if I'm not careful.
  • Little do I know that even when all the above plays into motion, its disheartening to find out that I'm still perceived as selfish. I thought my role to belong in a 'circle of families' is to adapt, accommodate and accept thats the way it will be. If I cant, I let go because I dont share the same fundamentals. To me letting go of the things that are beyond my control means to accept, be positive and to move on. So, I'm moving on.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Truth

A bird told me that I'm a confused soul who lived in the past and not the future. That I'm a pessimist and that my faith doesnt come from within.

Hard cold facts that are hard to accept and harder to swallow. Moment of truth............

  • Honesty to me is speaking from a clear conscience. To be honest with myself (because that is what matters to me), is to speak that which is thought of and to do that which is spoken. Such integration provides clarity. To have one form internally and another form externally creates confusion and can have a detrimental effect. Honesty is as distinctive as a flawless diamond which can never remain hidden. The intention is visible in one's actions.

  • Obviously, I'm only human. Certain circumstances do interfere at some point but having a clear conscience with myself is my sign of honesty. It is the awareness of what is right and appropriate in one's role, behaviour and relationships at that particular time because the inner and outer selves resonates with each other.

  • As I journey through life and meet with rough patches, faith is what keeps me going. When there are threads of doubt, fear creeps in and my faith is shaken. If that is termed as not coming from within, I admit I'm guilty as charged. I know when the mind is focused and the faith within remains unshakeable is when I see the lamp of hope keeps burning and there is a feeling of the destination being close. Its that glimmer of hope that keeps me going regardless of obstacles.

  • Perhaps I'm really not an optimist. I cant help but look at my past which moves me forward. That's my essence. When I'm continually being battered by the storms of life and when my spirit keeps ebbing away, I keep saying it again and again (repetition does makes a difference) I hang on to the gift called 'Faith' - the one support which will weather the storms. Faith doesnt depend on a clever head, only belief, belief in God, self and the strength that is derived from that divine relationship.

My last thought on the matter is that if Faith is my foundation in life then I'm a weak soul who succumbs as a lesser mortal.


I feel for someone who's facing difficulties left, right and centre........ This is what I can say abt it.

The ability to confront and resolve external and internal obstacles, tests and challenges is a power that changes a person's life. It can help others change theirs by solving problems that look impossible.

The result is high self-esteem. When the situation is not likely to change soon, it is necessary that we face the situation or people with calmness and determination. In this process we see our thoughts, habits, beliefs as well as our talents and beauty. We learn to discern right from wrong and receive strength to face the obstacles which come from within and without.

Internal obstacles are old habits of behaviour. External obstacles come from those who deliberately stand in our path of change. Tests come when we meet those who triggered fear or hate. Can we face them, see their beauty and respond to that? Obstacles come to test the strength of our ability.

Look at it this way - every moment of our life's journey is a challenge. There are no problems, only opportunities to learn, grow and help others in the process.