Thursday, March 29, 2007


Patience is not so much about waiting as it is about how one behaves while waiting. I should take my own 'medicine' after reciting the above -:))

There I was at Malaysia's biggest travel fair and exhibition. This fair normally offers unbelievable deals that you just have to check them out even if you cant afford to travel yet. There were probably thousands of them at the World Travel Center that day. 30minutes after being pushed and bumped for the 30th time.......I finally got the map of all the exhibition booths and was able to make sense of where local and international exhibitions are located. Phew!!!

3 hours later and almost getting mad, I located a particular section of the best bargain section. There were probably 5 people waiting in line. 4 of them are young couples, talking and laughing while reading the tons of brochures that were probably picked up along the way but one particular person is a character by itself. Its an older version of Queen Latifah (dressed and talked like an over-the-hill wrestler woman) and she was pushing herself to the front of our line and not the slightest bit embarrased that she was making a scene. Parking herself exactly in between me and one couple she again pushed her luck and tried to bump us to the side; all these while asking questions loud enough for the attendant to be aware of her annoying questions about a trip. I can almost sense whats coming next........ she would bump me and the other couple to reach her final destination.

You have to understand, its been almost 4 hours that I'm there. My feet's aching, my heels are almost surely bursting, I'm thirsty and hungry and pretty sure my patience is sorely tested by now.

Still........I gave the benefit of the doubt and stepped aside. [thinking that maybe this older lady deserves to go first, maybe she's double parked and needed her medication soon or maybe, just maybe this is her last dying travel -:)) ]

Patience is a true virtue especially when you're tested to the limit. I decided to remain in control, kept my cool and be calm. In the process I learned to let go; not just with regards to the situation but more so to just let her be. I maintained my compassion and care.

I felt good about myself........

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