Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do U Play?

I came across this book by Robin Sharma and was so taken by one of his chapter and I'd like to share it with you guys and invite you to ponder your life.

When you ask a child what he'll do today"? The reply comes in one big word : "PLAY". Perfect Answer!!

I reflected on the importance of play. How often do you ask an adult "What do you plan on doing today?" and get the response "PLAY"..........may be that's why our world is broken.

What would your life look like if there was more play? What would your experience of work be like if you had more fun doing your job, no matter what job you do? What would your relationships look like with more spontaneity, laughter, festivity and youthful - no, wild - abdandon? As adults, we stop playing once we assume the responsibilities of life. Adults are nothing more than deteriorated children.

Why? It doesnt have to be that way. Make the time to play. Find the time to be a little reckless and silly. Be imaginative at work and bring curiosity back to your days. Get back to that sense of wonder you knew when life was all about make-believe, riding yor bike and enjoying every second of this journey called living.

And the next time someone looks at you, with your power suits and serious face - and asks what you plan on doing today, I invite you to confidently give the only reply that matters : "I'm going out to play".

Monday, April 28, 2008


Really.........the picture has got nothing to do with what I'm about to write BUT.......look at the massive size of it!!
Lazy weekends should be spent indoor. At least thats what I would like to do. The best is to wake up late, have brunch, catch up on some reading AND DO NOTHING for the rest of the day.

Ah.......heaven nya.....Of course thats not what happen on every single weekend I had. Hahahahha! In short :-

Friday night : Had to take Julie out for dinner and shopping.
Friday night : Got a call and met up with Marc for a drink and end up partying till my feet hurt
Friday night : Went across town just because they wanted the exact roti canai & teh tarik in that particular place;
Friday night : ..........Am I still talking abt friday night that never seem to end...............

Saturday : Early morning was rudely awaken by this meowing of a cat that appears out of nowhere.
Saturday : Went marketing at an ungodly hour on 7am and was dragged all over and end up smelling like
the cat I fed this morning ..............urgh!!!!
Saturday : Had to do spring cleaning and another cat showed up........am I the cat lady now?
Saturday : Went all the way to Subang to do groceries shopping because mummy wants to get the stuff
from this particular cat shop........(i know i'm babbling now)
Saturday : On the way back from Subang, a CAT stopped in the middle of the road. Forced us to stop.
Saturday : My old friend KAT called........asking to go out in the middle of the night
(Husband problem - geeee go figure)

Sunday : Now you would think it would be my day...........WRONG!!
(I'm too tired to tell the density and complexity that came with Sunday

Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy reading

Now if I can do exactly as per the piece above says,
I'd be in seventh heaven! -:))

Raining Gifts

I am truly blessed.......on top of the lunches, dinners and shows that I had been invited to this week I seem to be receiving gifts left and right. This one was given to me on a spur of the moment by my boss. Nice eh? Its from Mikimoto and has a small but elegant pearl at the top. Nice.

Little to my surprise, before end of the day I got another package with a Cerruti 1881 pen, a cute little bear and a lollipop! Cute one, Harry! Wish I had taken the pic. before I tore open the package.


I havent been updating my blogs lately. Let me see.......

March - Vacation at Krabi (the best this year)
- Reported for duty (expatriate boss)
- More birthdays celebrations
April - Celine Dion concert (superb sounds)
- More farewell parties
- Lots of gifts for my 'week'

Lots more things and outings that happened but wasnt captured soon enough that I forget of what I did these 2 months. One things for sure, I had fun with those closest to me and ones that matter.

Nothing so significant that I want to write about actually.

One of the things I know is that I miss Leo as I talk more and more to him lately. I do wish he'd be here most of the time to cheer and lift up my spirits when things got to be too much. I guess that makes a lot of wishes for Leo to be back in the country. Hehehehehe..........