Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do U Play?

I came across this book by Robin Sharma and was so taken by one of his chapter and I'd like to share it with you guys and invite you to ponder your life.

When you ask a child what he'll do today"? The reply comes in one big word : "PLAY". Perfect Answer!!

I reflected on the importance of play. How often do you ask an adult "What do you plan on doing today?" and get the response "PLAY"..........may be that's why our world is broken.

What would your life look like if there was more play? What would your experience of work be like if you had more fun doing your job, no matter what job you do? What would your relationships look like with more spontaneity, laughter, festivity and youthful - no, wild - abdandon? As adults, we stop playing once we assume the responsibilities of life. Adults are nothing more than deteriorated children.

Why? It doesnt have to be that way. Make the time to play. Find the time to be a little reckless and silly. Be imaginative at work and bring curiosity back to your days. Get back to that sense of wonder you knew when life was all about make-believe, riding yor bike and enjoying every second of this journey called living.

And the next time someone looks at you, with your power suits and serious face - and asks what you plan on doing today, I invite you to confidently give the only reply that matters : "I'm going out to play".

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