Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Ones I Love

Apart from family and the friends that surrounds us, we sometimes forget to show our appreciation to those that matters to us. We tend to take our family for granted, knowing they're always there for us and most times than not we just forsake our closest friends believing that if they're indeed ours, they will understand why we are so busy and the phrase 'later' became the lamest excuse used.

Well, in this entry of mine I got a wake-up call from my dearest friend (whom I love too much to explain) saying he's sorry if he had upset me for some reason or another. Good God! I must've been so involved in myself that the above is self-explanatory.

My circle consists of few only that it embarrassed me to admit I may have lapsed being good to them.
We go through life one day at a time, meeting new ones but its the one that you cherish that will remain through thick and thin. Sometimes life takes a different path and we reach a crossroad that will forever change our friendship. Having said that, even if out of sight does not mean out of mind. I am guilty of playing hookey but be assured, you are loved.
P/s I should try harder. Jgn mare Babe!

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