Monday, November 06, 2006

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side??

In a society full of over-zealous and over-bearing humans, I sometimes pine for what might've been and what-if-s that my outlook in life at times becomes so distorted. Until..... a knock .....and I do mean 'knocked' literally.

Come Monday, I always find myself going in 10 diffent directions doing 10 different stuff all in one go. It doesnt necessarily make me a wonder-woman who's able to multi-task. Its just a show-down that I'm disorganized.

So as I was scurrying - yet to plan for item no 11 this morning (and its only 930am), I ran into a cubicle and was knocked down, spilling my first coffee of the day (that is supposed to make me appear human enough) in front of Mr-Smarty-Pants !!!! Urgh.......what I wouldnt give for the office floor to open up and just swallow me in. Instead of making me feel like a loony-toon after that little acrobatic show (definitely a 'Kodak Moment'), Mr-Smarty-Pants actually went out of his way to make sure I was OK.

Aaawwww..........chivalry's still in fashion.

Do I still need to say more?

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