Thursday, February 05, 2009

What Matters

It was drizzling when I knock-off from work yesterday. As I was walking through the station, I saw a couple sharing this small burger and I was struck at how fresh that looked to my tired eyes. They are young and it looks as if nothing much obstruct their happiness than being in each other's company and sharing that meager piece of meat.

How I wish I could go back in time when everything seemed easy and my worry for the day is what to wear, where to eat and who to play a prank on..........


zuL said...

Hi my0place...

Don't worry dear... everyone is entitled to their own happiness. Sometimes when u are in a relationship, when things are fine and dandy, chances are your partner will make use of you big time. Either way you look at it, it is still shite. So the most important thing is how to define “happiness” to yourself, and it doesn’t necessarily mean to love and to be loved with that special someone who will in turn break your heart to pieces!

Yes perhaps it is easy for me to say that, trust me dear, it is not easy. I will carry on being the person that I am, I think I will be more cautious in not letting people incl the person I love, to take advantage of me. We should watch Revolutionary Road together and have Ben and Jerry's right after to discuss it.

Have you seen it? I just love the ending… I love the ending…

We’ll speak soon.

/zul & zul

my0place said...

Babe! Didnt manage to catch RR yet. I'm sure watching that with that tub of B&Js is heaven!