Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Dear LEO

I needed to talk to you but know its not the time and not too strong to face you.  So here goes.......
Where is yesterday?  Behind you or ahead of you?  The answer largely depends on the direction in which you happen to be looking.  If you cant stop thinking about the past, you can hardly be expected to see a clear route from here to the future.  And if your history is now towering over you like some great hill in the distance, it may be casting a shadow over the world that lies before you, making it all seem unnecessarily bleak.  Find a way to reduce the height of that hill and the shadow will soon recede.

Wish strongly, imagine wildly  and believe.  That in itself will kick-start you into self healing.  Its all in you whether you realize it or not.  The power of your thoughts, feelings and emotions is there....unleash it, body heart and soul.

Personally my wish is for you to keep your sanity and love with all your might  for its a start to a beautiful and wonderful next phase of your life.


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