Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Delicious Fun

Last weekend was another one of those run-by-the-mill activities.....family, friends, dancing -:))

But one that I will write about is my outing to Fatty Crab. I've always loved seafood. The only problem is I'm allergic to it. So all the times I had been out over the years konon nya pi makan seafood is equivalent to me picking at tidbits of scraps of those delicious sinful thing the rest called seafood galore. Most time than not, its rice and vege for me for fear of me turning into Nutty Professor with a giant face at the end of a seafood meal.

Anyway, I dont know what made me brave it out when a close friend suggested at the spur of the moment to hit the stall and for once try out my cravings for Crab. I thought........"What the heck....I might as well do it" "Whats the worst that can happen" "Most to most....the patrons there will just run when they see me start to bloat"

We ordered simple enough....fried rice, chicken wings, small plate of Crab and toast bread. Ya Allah hu Ya Kareem..........10min into it I cant stop!!!! Those things are simply superb. Why didnt anyone told me before? I lost out on years and years of this awesome taste? With a hammer in one hand and messy as hell, I was happily chugging down them.

Ahhhh.........thanks Babe for the wonderful outing and what will now be one of my regular stops I'm sure ;)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Kaklong

Birthdays to me is a BIG deal.

Late yesterday evening after I've settled down from my chaotic and messy day, I gave a call to Kaklong, asking how her birth-day has been and what she's up to for the night. Much to my dismay, she said she's on the way home! I thought......where's the party? where's the get together with close friends? where's the special something someone who's suppose to keep her company and have a merry-good time?

The next thing I know, I'm in the train heading straight to KLCC and we end up having a quiet but satisfied dinner at Spring Garden. I'm not just talking about the great food and the excellent conversation we had. It was one of those times when we had a deep discussion and open communication that actually meant a lot to both of us.

I've always loved kaklong dearly. Its not the same with my love for parents or Jules. I love Jules to pieces and cant imagine anythg harmful happening to her and has been sickeningly protective towards her. But KAKLONG.......She's my rock and the most sensitive person I've known. She's someone whom you can count on at every corner in every situation and just a wonderful damn good person.

We hardly talk much over the years growing up and from a young age I've been emotionally on my own. But seeing her yesterday, looking so radiant on her day and feeling so optimistic about life in general (I have to write this abt her because she's been through a lot) I am so so so very happy for her and I wish with all might that if anything good should be bestowed upon anyone, I would wish for her to receive it.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I have never seen myself as a romantic person.

The notion of being romantic does appeal to me but somehow I feel that my actions are far from it. So it came as a complete surprise when an acquaintance of mine told me that i'm exactly that. Naturally I feel every woman has this sense in them whether they exhibit it or not. Its through those simple things that we find so important but baffles the opposite sex.

I'm not talking about declaring "I Love you, I care for you, I miss you...." 10times a day! Now that seems like the next fatal-obsessive-compulsive-behaviour.

But guess what........ I'm confident enough in myself and I wouldnt care what others think of me coz either way I know if and when I utter those words, I really felt it and it wont come out looking like a superficial-bimbo who's trying too hard.

Monday, February 11, 2008


The thing about friends, good ones and close ones. Expectations. In any form of relationship, 'Expectation Kills'.

Not to have expectations is easier said than done. Its a hard thing to do, at least it is for me. However much you think you wouldnt want to burden your friends or lovers, in a way, we will still end up doing it - unintentionally of course!! Because the moment you are in a relationship there is no 1 but 2 separate entities trying to blend as 1. You can never be yourself totally in any way. Some form of change will have to take place whether we want it or not.

So do we form beliefs based on our experiences, or do we create experiences based on our beliefs?

I think, while experiences and expectations do influence each other - what we assume, expect or believe, colours and creates our experience.

Taye Diggs said, "The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other".

Do we love so unconditionally that we lose ourselves in our partner because we're so blinded by the feelings that overwhelmed us? Do we compensate that loss by expecting the other to mold their character and meet us halfway? or Do we wake up one day and suddenly realized its a place we dont want to be anymore because of the restrictions we put upon ourselves in the first place?

I read that the key to applying the Law of Expectations is to crate new expectations, based not on blind faith but on clear intention. It also says that what we expect tends to appear in our life because we set it in motion.

I wont kid myself.......... I do expect. However, I think All said and done, having realistic expectations is what we normally would do in hope of a better and grounding relationship.

I salute those who can do without.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Current Blissful Life.........

Heya Guys! Sorry for not updating the blogs more often. I have been travelling and getting some action lately........so cut this girl some slack, eh? Lol!!

Let me see, things have been great for me for some time now probably of the calm and peace I felt and create around myself. Well there has been some hiccups but can easily be mended.

Job front I'm still in a limbo due to the re-structuring but instead of worrying and fretting over it like I used to, I feel that as far as my work is concerned, things will come around sooner or later for me. So, I'm being quite cool about the whole thing - much to the dismay of other pesky busybodies. Maybe I'll let them do the nosying around for me and I'll just come prepared.........that would definitely throw them off!!! hahahaha

Personally I am doing OK amidst the bouts of loneliness that sometimes creep up without me noticing it. Again, I find myself taking it all in a stride. Should I be worried that I have no one to curl up to? No one to take care of? No one to shower my attention to? Surprisingly, the less obsessive I become on the matter of the heart, the better I am at handling it. Hmmmm........what an interesting revelation.

Family wise, everyone's doing OK. Still tugging at me to help out with everything as usual. Not that I mind, I suppose everyone else is going through the same motion when it comes to family members. They would always come first despite the bickering, yelling and loving going on.

Friends? Now there's where the turbulance come about. I may have to write a separate blog about it. Much has happened. So many things unanswered and uncertainty clouds certain individual's vision. I wish I could help. I dont like feeling helpless.

Read on for my next chapter on the above....................