Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Current Blissful Life.........

Heya Guys! Sorry for not updating the blogs more often. I have been travelling and getting some action lately........so cut this girl some slack, eh? Lol!!

Let me see, things have been great for me for some time now probably of the calm and peace I felt and create around myself. Well there has been some hiccups but can easily be mended.

Job front I'm still in a limbo due to the re-structuring but instead of worrying and fretting over it like I used to, I feel that as far as my work is concerned, things will come around sooner or later for me. So, I'm being quite cool about the whole thing - much to the dismay of other pesky busybodies. Maybe I'll let them do the nosying around for me and I'll just come prepared.........that would definitely throw them off!!! hahahaha

Personally I am doing OK amidst the bouts of loneliness that sometimes creep up without me noticing it. Again, I find myself taking it all in a stride. Should I be worried that I have no one to curl up to? No one to take care of? No one to shower my attention to? Surprisingly, the less obsessive I become on the matter of the heart, the better I am at handling it. Hmmmm........what an interesting revelation.

Family wise, everyone's doing OK. Still tugging at me to help out with everything as usual. Not that I mind, I suppose everyone else is going through the same motion when it comes to family members. They would always come first despite the bickering, yelling and loving going on.

Friends? Now there's where the turbulance come about. I may have to write a separate blog about it. Much has happened. So many things unanswered and uncertainty clouds certain individual's vision. I wish I could help. I dont like feeling helpless.

Read on for my next chapter on the above....................

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