Monday, February 11, 2008


The thing about friends, good ones and close ones. Expectations. In any form of relationship, 'Expectation Kills'.

Not to have expectations is easier said than done. Its a hard thing to do, at least it is for me. However much you think you wouldnt want to burden your friends or lovers, in a way, we will still end up doing it - unintentionally of course!! Because the moment you are in a relationship there is no 1 but 2 separate entities trying to blend as 1. You can never be yourself totally in any way. Some form of change will have to take place whether we want it or not.

So do we form beliefs based on our experiences, or do we create experiences based on our beliefs?

I think, while experiences and expectations do influence each other - what we assume, expect or believe, colours and creates our experience.

Taye Diggs said, "The difference between friendship and love is how much you can hurt each other".

Do we love so unconditionally that we lose ourselves in our partner because we're so blinded by the feelings that overwhelmed us? Do we compensate that loss by expecting the other to mold their character and meet us halfway? or Do we wake up one day and suddenly realized its a place we dont want to be anymore because of the restrictions we put upon ourselves in the first place?

I read that the key to applying the Law of Expectations is to crate new expectations, based not on blind faith but on clear intention. It also says that what we expect tends to appear in our life because we set it in motion.

I wont kid myself.......... I do expect. However, I think All said and done, having realistic expectations is what we normally would do in hope of a better and grounding relationship.

I salute those who can do without.

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