Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Delicious Fun

Last weekend was another one of those run-by-the-mill activities.....family, friends, dancing -:))

But one that I will write about is my outing to Fatty Crab. I've always loved seafood. The only problem is I'm allergic to it. So all the times I had been out over the years konon nya pi makan seafood is equivalent to me picking at tidbits of scraps of those delicious sinful thing the rest called seafood galore. Most time than not, its rice and vege for me for fear of me turning into Nutty Professor with a giant face at the end of a seafood meal.

Anyway, I dont know what made me brave it out when a close friend suggested at the spur of the moment to hit the stall and for once try out my cravings for Crab. I thought........"What the heck....I might as well do it" "Whats the worst that can happen" "Most to most....the patrons there will just run when they see me start to bloat"

We ordered simple enough....fried rice, chicken wings, small plate of Crab and toast bread. Ya Allah hu Ya Kareem..........10min into it I cant stop!!!! Those things are simply superb. Why didnt anyone told me before? I lost out on years and years of this awesome taste? With a hammer in one hand and messy as hell, I was happily chugging down them.

Ahhhh.........thanks Babe for the wonderful outing and what will now be one of my regular stops I'm sure ;)

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