Tuesday, October 10, 2006


3 weddings & perhaps my funeral soon. Am I being mocked? God knows........I attended them all, putting up a grave smile while trying to tai-chi all the persistently anticipated questions the guests would have for me.......Yeah, poor 'ol me.

Back at home, I tried to make sense of it all. Why do I keep berating myself for still being single? Is that all there is to life specifically mine? Am I that desperate for the male companion that I'm willing to throw caution to the wind.......again? Seems to be that way for some time now. As much as I love routines, I'm not sure anymore.

If being with someone would cause me thousands of dollars for a wedding, entertaining those who would come and still doesnt think the function is good enough taste for them, incurring debt which would probably take me years to pay off ending with mortgaging the hse........again, having nightmares of another round of bills to think off and forgetting about my passion of travelling as and when I please (especially when the little one comes automatically without planning),
let me think what the sentense was about again :) :) :)
Listening to most of them who has gone through it and having trouble in the first year itself scares the bejeesus out of me and yet I'm pining for it nonetheless. If that is what will make me feel complete and happy, swap me a sweetheart and sweep the troubles away.

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