Monday, September 18, 2006


Ahh.....what an interesting weekend it was. Friday was full of fun (football again - Chelsea rocks!! against Liverpool/ MU lost to Arsenal), Saturday was hectic with family obligations and Sunday......lets just say it was a day of revelations.

It seems like for the past two years, all my weekends was the same like above. Friday night was mine, Saturday's time was for my family and Sunday is quoted 'open' for anything or anyone who for some reason will ensure my time is taken up for their cause.

Something triggered in me and last Sunday I found myself sitting at a park by my lonesome self and trying to pull my wits together for the coming week. I cant remember the last time I was selfish and had time to myself just for me. I was always doing things for others from the office, to home, to friends, etc. As I sat there, I've got to admit.....I'd lost myself in the process. And I felt tired......of everything. Why did I let myself go like that? In my race to please everyone, have I lost something that's precious to me? Why the need to be appreciated consumed me?

Just short of going bonkers, I pull myself up and saw a 'mentally challenged' man on a wheelchair selling odd souvenirs and other knick-knacks. I stopped short and realized how silly and pathetically sorry I felt for myself when I should be thankful to HIM for everthing I've got going for me; be it the ups or downs - its just life's path. As I walk away, I kept this the calling for me in life? Or will my time come later? I thought again..........and the cycle continues with another 100 things I need to do before the end of today for others........GO FIGURE.

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