Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I was told that I'm always ez to talk to and a good listener. A stranger would find as if he's known me for ages when in my presence. Accommodating is another attraction of mine. BUT......I get my hairs up when I see Mr. T (short for trouble) swaying my way.
Never one to pass up an opportunity to talk to a living freak, I seize the moment when a chance encounter put me face-to-face with an acquaintance who has a strange but awesome way of engaging conversation. After calling his bluff of playing 'victim' in situations which he claimed is beyond his control, he turned out to be a really interesting guy when the invincible walls crumbled.
So why do we build barriers and put up a front? Does that make us more susceptible? Or are we that gullible in our skin that we become pretentious? The horrible truth for me is that I feel I live in a community that borders on the surface. Touch n go...........superficial. So what does that make me?
P/s Just like the pot calling the kettle black..........

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