Monday, September 25, 2006


It was giddy to finally be able to talk to 'Mumbai'. 3 weeks ago all communications seems restricted due to obvious reasons. I didnt realize how much I missed it until a familiar voice came online again :) Last night's sleep was a slumber.......................

Coming back down to earth, this morning greeted me with two things. Both of my friends have 'big' news. One of the last girls I know who's single is getting married. While we were both congratulating her the other lady's eyes slowly started to tear up. Alarmed we both find out that she's filed for divorce the day before. Losing thunder to the earlier good news we tried consoling her. It was of no use.
All said and done, I thot to myself.......yes to be married is wonderful and I've been searching for "Mr. Right-Now" forever. I was even envious of the former for leaving me as the only single gal in the office now still searching like mad !! But now, I'm not so sure. Many times throughout my adult life I've wondered what is it about LOVE that is so great it could define you as a person? I have never taken it for granted. To me love and esp. marriage is not a fairlytale. It takes hardwork, dedication + compromise to make a marriage work or to be happy.
But listening to her rant and rave abt what went wrong, I wonder....can there be a good divorce?If a relationship does/doesnt work, it takes two to make it a success or failure. Having had 3 relationships and still looking - I take full responsibility of what went wrong on my part. I've had no regrets as I've given it my best. Yes, I was heartbroken but it doesnt seem to fade my dream of being married one day [and I do hope its sooner than later].
So despite the heartache and psychobabble that was threwn my way esp. by those who are bitter with the whole she-bang..........I'm still in my path wanting to be married. I want to go through all of it and hopefully I'll come out not just feeling old but wiser too :(
P/s Spoken like a true love-less-stricken-naivete-girl of 33

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