Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lagi....tentang Bulan dan Bintang

I went down to the clinic today to get my dressing done. 'Toe' is throbbing like mad and refuse to calm down. Since I'm fasting there's no chance that I can take the antibiotic or the painkillers that this cute Doctor had prescribed yesterday.

Well there I went reluctantly........dreading the pain involved. I almost peed yesterday when the Doctor gingerly touched 'Toe'. May be he was being careful in case my leg involuntarily made itself forward and kick him!! Hahahahh.........Anyway, cute Doctor was there waiting and was grinning from ear to ear when he saw my pinched face that greeted him. He knew how I would whine and tried to grip my teeth together and perhaps in his sick mind he likes seeing his patients in pain. Maybe this is how he gets his kick.

So there I was on the examination room and he gave me the inevitable news.........he has to make an incision on the sides of to ensure the in-grown will not damage the rest of my toe. OH GOD........the next half hour was the most excruciating pain i've ever had to endure. I was screaming my heads off and crying like a baby. Time2 macam ni dah tak kesah malu dah. Fuiyoooooo kali ni memang satu langit boleh nampak ........tinggi ke rendah. Ya Allah......masa dah habis tu both Doctor and me dua-dua terkelu. Sengih je lah.........kan.

Oh well, hopefully lepas ni jangan lah ada perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku lagi. Sampai sekarang ibu jari masih berdenyut.........

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