Thursday, September 11, 2008

Raya Gifts

Its already the 11th day of Ramadhan and its the time to think of Raya gifts and ensure the list is complete so that no one is left out. Here comes the headache........
This is also the year, the family decides that we should go to all the relatives house from Tanjung Malim right up to Penang. This is going to be one long trip up north.
Anyway, here comes the tricky part. I've basically sorted out the 'must-buy gifts' and another pile of 'emergency-gifts'. But looking at the agenda..........I've gotta be prepared for 'bundle-gifts' as well. Nanti Mak Bedah, Makcik Joyah dan Pakcik Mat merajuk lah pulak................
So where do you draw the line at giving one relative a gift and another one who is not close to you who is at the same house? I dont know the Auntie Jenab (quote from my mom "She's the daughter of your late grandfather's second wife's niece........bla..bla..bla..) and I sure dont even recall Uncle Muhamad (quoted "He's the uncle that came to this house who claims to be my adopted brother's nephew's son.......bla..bla..bla.). That is not to mention the hoodlums of kids all of they have got going for them!!!!

Oh well, I'll probably end up broke this month but look at the bright side..........Everyone will be having a fabulous and a fantastic Eid.
P/s Names used have been changed for confidentiality purposes. Hahahahha!!!!!

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