Friday, September 05, 2008

Romance Anyone?

"Its amazing how u knock me off my feet........Everytime u come around me I get weak. that romanctic?"

Romantic taik kucing! This mamat........let me call him MAMAT. He is so vain and so full of himself in addition to being a klutz! Knocked me right off my feet, for sure because he tend to come and talk to you so close and when u turn around you would just run over him. He's never heard of this thing called 'personal space' where u dont stand too near of the opposite sex for fear of being called gatal!

And the part where I get weak? Well memang sah lemah satu badan bila tau he's around. EEEEeeeeeeeee Geli Siut! He would leer and look at my boobs if he has all day. I constantly have to remind him, " face is up here....." What the @#%*...........

Moral of the story is............knock someone before u get knocked and never ever get weak around a man u have no intention of sleeping with!


zuL said...

Aiyo he looks at your boobs, perhaps - since you called him vain - perhaps he was envious and dying to have a pair of boobs like yours? Oppppssss

my0place said...

La....of course! Sapa tak nak boobs like me? Puhleezz lah.