Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sober up!

Hai.........bulan ramadhan ni bermacam-macam peristiwa terjadi. For starters, I havent been able to get enough shut eye and in the last few days none at all. Oh Well.....let the brain work overtime once or twice kan? Asyik perut je yang work overtime, dia pun fed-up. Hahahaha....

Anyway, after so many hours and no brain rest will make u hallucinate a lot of things. And ultimately I was bound to do something typical of me! Pinggan pecah, jalan tergelincir, cakap scatter-brain is so sluggish that my mom said I even talk nonsense.

Bila dah mengelamun memanjang ni lah akibatnya. So it was my usual morning, sahur and get ready, few sms, and I'm off to catch the train to work. Shaking off my lethargic state of mind, I settled into the coach and wait for the 45-min trip to the office. Must be my lucky day as I got a seat today.....what a relief!!

Next stop a very, very, very big lady with a protruding stomach got in and stood right smack in my face. Without thinking, I offered her my seat (still not learning from past experiences). She was so insulted and started making faces at me while shaking her head from left to right. I thot, kenapa kakak ni.......mentally challenged ke? And I kept ushering her to my seat.
Last-last dia kata "IT's OK, I'm not PREGNANT!!!!"
Aiseh.........malu gue. Pejam lah mata 45-min ride tu. Heheheheeheheh......................

1 comment:

zuL said...

I have given up offering seats in Malaysia, sebab no matter what I do - my action will be misunderstood and will be used against and I would be embarrassed! There was a time that I offered my seat to a perempuan, and she bitterly declined that. Why must you take it personally when someone is offering something to you. Nanti kalau tak offer macam-macam pulak kan. Tak de la, kalau u nak decline pun tak payah being bitchy about it, decline it nicely. Kalau dia kata "No, I am not pregnant" You must respond "Well, you may not be pregnant... but the rest of the world thinks that you are!"